Communique 008: Happy Belated Inhalants Day!

Aaand we’re back! Elias and Athena bring you another weekly roundup of late capitalist fuckery as the masses clamber for fully automated luxury queer space communism. Download or stream Communique 008 on SoundCloud or iTunes!

Talking points: Post-Patriots; Back from the Brink; Narcy Narc; Running Far, Slowly, for Free; .8 of a host does 0% research; internshit; sway (not power); floor sweepings in the Nazi cola; Raytheon–whatta crazy feelin’; Trump: war profiteer; when a Father of All Bombs and a Mother of All Bombs love each other very much; energy chunks; vote for Ben Ewen-Campen; shocking developments; libertarian municipalism; Make AntiFa Sexy Again?!; who’s in their lane; Happy Belated Inhalants Day; Happy Slight Dehydration Day; the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; small acts of resistance; Athena’s upcoming show; Bill O’Reilly got fired!; more like Henry Dolt, amiright?; s/o to Chapo; nuke volleyball; the Alex Jones meat sweats; don’t get directions from Trump; will Mass get a non-racist flag?!; let’s take down Casey Affleck next.

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