Art by Nikki McClure
Communique 005 is up for streaming and downloading!
This week, Elias sits down with Kristina, an activist and friend of the show, to talk about food, culture, and politics. We touch on the commodification of sustenance, the non-profit industrial complex, and more!
Talking points: Eat yr feelings/feel yr eatings, holy macaroni, hot commodities, vedgelord shitposting, kraft nopalitos and cheese, tradition®, contradict-heads, deadwhiteguyism, if I can’t eat potato chips it’s not my revolution, subversive mending, the revolution will not be broadcast, Phil Collins–if you’re reading this–we’ve got baked goods for you, #philcollins, shitting the pantsuit, 100 years gulag for the Metro, STOP: hammer (& sickle) time–break it down, ar-archives, drain the Cambridge swamp.
tUnE-yArDs – Water Fountain
Relevant links and graphics:
No Gluten Required
Cook Food Every Day, Edited by Kristina
What Trump Did for the Communist Party USA in the Boston Metro
Email Kristina here
Email us here
Three points of leftist unity: